“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.”



Dream is for the bold, grounded and creative visionaries who have lost touch with their dreams and visions and who want to anchor into a multilayered vision of their dreams that excites, empowers and inspires them to fall in love with being alive (again).

In Dream you will create your own inspiring vision for life with your dreams at the centre by finding clarity on what your dreams are through a guided writing process, building your vision using my signature step by step vision process and creating a practical plan to start bringing it to life ASAP.

Have you noticed within yourself and the people around you, an undercurrent of pessimism?

What about those big dreams?  Those big desires you held three, four, five or six years ago?  Where are they now? Where have they gone?  

They might be tucked away in a journal. They might be tucked away in the back of your mind. Or perhaps they’re waiting patiently on a pinterest board you haven’t looked at for, well maybe you can’t remember the last time you looked. The last time you dreamed. 

Many of us have been living in a reactionary state for the last few years, and I wonder, I wonder, I wonder .... what happens when we look up?  When we look out?  What happens when we really allow ourselves to look towards the future.  

Those confident, bold selves that were so accessible a few years ago might have just stopped dreaming. 

I can see this in myself and I see it in my community.

It's understandable, right?  It's been a challenging season for so many people.

But the truth is - we have to choose something different to experience something different.

We have to choose to dream, to trust. We have to choose to believe in ourselves, our lives, our visions and our hearts.

So from here - what do we do?  What is possible?

I'm in the exploration with you.  I'm in the bigger visioning with you.

Lets dream again together, this is your invitation to Dream.

Let's fall in love with being alive. 

Let's elevate our every day to feel richer, more aligned, more intentional.

Let's make space for our biggest, wildest, truest dreams.

You wanna know a dream of mine?

Secretly, I want to build a tiny house on my family farm where we can journey down south and tuck ourselves away on the land. A home that always feels like home, regardless of what season we’re in, what’s happening in the world or how long it’s been between visits.

It is a space full of natural light, open, warm and inviting, as soon as you walk through the doors you get this feeling of being wrapped in a gigantic hug of safety and love. I can see the sun dancing across the wooden coffee table as we play cards, snuggled up together with a hot cup of cacao. Making memories. Being present. Living life.

It feels really important to me for our children to grow up with a connection to the land where I grew up as well as building a strong, loving connection to their Nana’s, Grandad, Aunties, Uncles and cousins. Family at the centre.

Oh how my heart comes alive, dreaming of this.

And honestly, realistically, it doesn’t have to be that far away but sometimes it feels so far away. 

Maybe you feel that with your dreams too.

Together, through a 2 hour guided experience and workshop we will:

◦ Find clarity around your refreshed, evolved dreams and welcome those feelings of excitement, passion and coming alive

◦ Meditate, visualise and journal together (Everyone from beginners to experienced journalers and meditators are so welcome, I’ve got you all, however you’re arriving is totally fine.)

◦ Cultivate a strong sense of both self belief and belief in the expansiveness of what’s truly possible

◦ Remember the beauty of synchronicity, the power of spirit and trust in something bigger than ourselves

We don't need to take all of the steps on our own, let's co-create, take some of the action, call in our support, see what happens as make magic and dream again.

for the dreamers who are ready to dream again


for the dreamers who are ready to dream again 𖤓

The Investment:

$50 NZD

Dream: To reconnect to the soul, the heart and the spark of your life and weave your forgotten bold visions and dreams into your reality.

◦ A 2 hour Guided Experience and Workshop recording

◦ Dream Handbook, 10 pages of resources, wisdom, practical plans and support to bring your dreams to life and which complement the workshop recording

If you are someone who doesn’t wake up feeling excited about the future, your dreams, lifelong visions and what you’re working towards you need to be in this workshop. You need to learn how to create your own vision that allows your dreams to take centre stage in your mind and heart and you need your own unique plan to start bringing it to life and create some empowering momentum!! This is what i’ll teach you and guide you through in Dream. 

You’ll walk away with:

  • My step by step visioning process that you can come back to during any season of your life to ground into your own dreams, goals and visions 

  • Your own written vision for life, for your dreams, how you want life to look and feel so that you can use it everyday to anchor into the energy of your vision and clarity of what you’re working towards

  • Building a sensory world for your vision through imagery, music, smell, visualisation so that it’s not just words on paper (this is where the big magic happens, so you can truly feel it and make it your own) 

  • Practical action plan to begin taking actions on your dreams and visions ASAP

  • My go to 5 Steps to surrender and trust that you’re supported always and you don’t always have to do the heavy lifting, take all the steps, all the time (let’s reconnect to synchronicities and magic of the universe) 

  • And more!

Hi Beautiful, I’m Bridget but you can call me Bids…

I’m a mother, a nurturer, an OG life coach and intuitive. I will go deep always. I am here for big feelings and big ideas. I’m obsessed with supporting open hearted women to build such solid foundations so we can vision, dream and fly from that place.

Born and raised on a Southland sheep and beef farm at the bottom of New Zealand, wide open spaces and a strong connection to Mama Earth were woven into my DNA from a young age. I believe that now more than ever we must commit to being fully present in our lives, enjoying everyday moments with our loved ones while simultaneously not giving up on our big dreams, creative visions and intentional goals.

As a qualified life coach and mentor, I have had the privilege of working alongside hundreds of women since 2015 through 1:1 coaching and mentoring, group programs, retreats, cacao ceremonies, energy healing, and so much more.

I’ve created this workshop knowing, feeling and witnessing how much this is needed right now, a reconnection back to what’s possible, to our dreams, to our belief in ourselves and to our belief in something bigger.

Now more than ever, we owe it to ourselves to commit to living our fullest, most joyful lives.

Let’s dream together.

Love Bids x  

  • "I have learnt how to embody my vision into everyday life which is so empowering."

    Bridget has such an amazing gift of holding space for you to help guide you back to your true self and teach you how to stay centered and grounded. She has helped me grow the tools I need to be more intentional with my actions and stay in alignment with myself. I feel more at peace and happier everyday, I don't let outside issues effect myself as much as they used to. I am finding that I am more kind to myself and self-forgiving which has allowed me to do same with others. Thank you Bids, I cannot express the love and joy I have felt from working with you over the last year.
    — A.M

  • "I still have "pinch me" moments some days, this is what I dreamed of for so long and it makes me so excited for all that is to come."

    I have been working with Bridget for 3 years now, she is an incredibly beautiful, heart-led coach and mentor guiding so many home to themselves. My inner world feels the most stable, secure and nourished than it ever has before. It feels balanced, all areas of my life flowing freely. My outer world has changed so much too, the feeling of being grounded, stable and nourished in my life has allowed me to take up space in my business world, to show the world more of me. I am forever grateful to you Bids!

    — J.P

  • " I feel way more at ease and at peace which has such an uplifting affect in my everyday. I feel excited again for my future!"

    Working with Bids is incredibly nourishing, uplifting and wholesome. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is actually listening to my intuition when I’m making big and small life decisions. This has leaved me feeling so at ease and just knowing it’s the right decision. I’m no longer feeling so scattered or second guessing myself- which used to feel so draining and cause me so much stress and anxiety! I trust myself, have strong boundaries and am confident to have vulnerable conversations.

    — J.W

  • " Bridget creates a safe and nurturing space that allows you to connect within, turn down the chatter and chaos and really connect with yourself. "

    The most powerful realisation I’ve made is that it only takes an instant to pull myself out of my own thoughts and head and completely change my outlook. I am confident that I have the power to change things if I don't like what I see in my life. Journaling and meditation have helped me feel much more grounded each day and after doing them for a while, if there is a day that I miss, I really notice it. My understanding of journaling has completely changed. I love how simple question can bring up so much if you allow it to flow. Thank you for everything Bids.

    — S.L

  • "Since working with Bids I've slowed right down, landed with my feet firmly back on Earth and I've reconnected to my inner compass. "

    This has been the medicine that I needed to get me out of my autopilot funk. My days were passing me by in a blur and I felt exhausted on all levels. Since working with Bids I've slowed right down, landed with my feet firmly back on Earth and I've reconnected to my inner compass. I feel the freshest I have all year with an excitement for what is to come. The practical tools will keep me on track moving forward and I loved the time spent tuning inwards and releasing things I didn't realise I had been holding on to. As always when working with Bids, a life changing experience

    — J.B

  • "I feel so much more confident in who I am as a person, what I want my life to look like and how I want to be for the people around me."

    Bridget feels like a supportive best friend. She was there to listen and helped me to see things differently than how I could see them myself. She held space with nothing but love and support. Bids never told me what to do or gave me the answers , only gave me nudges towards knowing the answers myself. Bridget's own power in who she is and how she shows up in this world inspires you to find that in yourself. I will be forever learning and stumbling but now I feel like I have so many more tools to support myself.

    — J.S


  • Dream is available as a recorded workshop along with a 10 page handbook.

  • The intention for the workshop is a beautiful balance of connecting to our inner and outer worlds. We will spend time connecting within to receive clarity on our dreams and visions and will spend time take practical action, putting pen to paper and begin to take the steps to bring them into reality. I will share my own personal stories that align with the main themes of the workshop, there will be plenty of lols because let's not take ourselves too seriously and there will be plenty of connection, celebration and cheering on another on.

  • You will be sent log in details to our host platform Kajabi and you'll receive instant access to the 2 hour Dream Workshop recording and the 10 page Dream handbook.

  • Yes of course. I've got you. I totally get it. I was a beginner once to and I understand how intimidating the words 'meditation' and 'journaling' can be and the idea of practicing them for the first time is.

    The beautiful thing is there's no right or wrong way to journal or meditate, it's the intention to be brave and give them a go that creates the ripple effect.

    During this workshop all you will be asked to do is follow my voice and listen to my instructions and words in the meditation and journaling components. It's a safe, nonjudgmental space so if at anytime you're not sure, you are encouraged to ask any questions in the comments. No question is a silly question. I've got you