“Mother Earth shows us that when we plant our seeds in nourishing soil along with the right conditions, we will not only survive but can thrive. She reminds us that grounding is just as important as growth, without roots there will be no tree. Mother Earth reminds us to slow down, that we must honour time to rest and time to Grow. We must honour our seasons.”

Private 1:1 Coaching

It’s time for the next level. It’s time for the bigger dreams, the bigger visions that leave you feeling giddy, excited and ready to expand into what is true for you, your potential and take up space in this one precious life you have. You’re ready for a deepening of connection to self, to your intuition, to your dreams, to your business and to the magic of the world. And you want someone in your corner who will supercharge your dreams, your goals and your visions so you can bring them to life at a rhythm and pace that feels nourishing for you, your family, your nervous system and your dreams.

Enrolments open for Oct 2024
1 space available

I have a feeling you’re craving…

A glow from the inside out, like you’ve spent the morning dance partying. A glow that comes with creating and living a life that is wholeheartedly true for you. A life full of space for the projects, the people and the passions that are most important to you. A feeling of aliveness, not only a vibrant body and a vibrant mind but a vibrant spirit. 

Clarity and refinement, so you can prioritise your limited time on the things that matter the most and actually create momentum and see those projects come to life along with the permission slip to go at your own pace, trusting your creative surges, honoring your cyclic nature as a women and being devoted to your dreams.

Timeless roots and foundations that are unique to your world and ecosystem that allow you to feel nourished, grounded and supported

A connection to the magic, a deeper trusting in the synchronicities and nudges from the universe, remembering that life is always giving us exactly what we need, if we’re open, willing and aware of magic. 

A beautiful life, that is created from your heart, not your head. One you’ll look back on in 30, 40, 50 years times and be enamored with the overflow of memories, the pride you feel from the milestones and most importantly the warmth in your heart from the way you made those around you feel. 

Making a long lasting impact with your important soul work, soul work that you believe in, that you take up space with and that you love to share with the world.

Nourishment from your business for your heart, for your soul, for your life, for your family and for your bank account. Running a financially sustainable business is at the top of your priority list.


From gentle and nurturing space holding to transformative and practical coaching, you’ll leave
our time together with...

  • A strong and stable foundation beneath your feet along with the confidence to believe in yourself, your ideas and your soul work

  • Clarity in your day-to-day life, knowing what’s most important to you and ensuring you prioritise those things

  • A calm, grounded and nourished nervous system as your default, knowing and honouring when it is time to rest and time to move

  • An empowering vision for your life and your business, unique to you and action taken, momentum flowing and excitement as your bring it all to life

  • Created forward movement and momentum that aligns with your own natural rhythm, no longer trying to keep up with those around you, or those on social media

  • Made time for those things that have been on your ‘one-day’ list and make the most of this one life you’ve been gifted

  • A deeper level of self-awareness and understanding of yourself, so you can zoom out and really see what’s going on for you

  • Feeling proud of yourself, your life and your business. You've witnessed growth in all three of these areas and you're feeling satisfied and excited for more

“ I just can’t speak highly enough about working with Bridget.  She provides such a safe, supportive, nourishing, non-judgmental place for everybody she works with. 

I feel like I was really cautious investing money in myself and every time I’ve done it, it’s exceeded all expectations to a phenomenal level and the growth I experience is crazy. She’s a very very special human.  The work I’ve done with Bridget doesn’t stop when your coaching stops either.  I’m constantly seeing the benefits and reaching for tools Bridget has provided or guided me to reach for, weeks and months later.” 

- Hannah mason kean

I work with women who are open minded, naturally optimistic and are ready to take action. They have big ideas, big feelings and big dreams. They love nature, sitting in their own sacred space to heartstorm, vision and connect inwards and are committed to sharing their soul work with the world.

I’ve worked with hundreds of women over the past 9 years, they are..

Mothers. School teachers. Online business owners. Creatives. Olympians. Energy healers. Radio hosts. Human Design Readers. Nurses. Business mentors and coaches. Network Marketers. Pregnant + postpartum mamas. Personal trainers. Life Coaches. Astrologers. Naturopaths. Yoga + Pilates Teachers. Athletes. Celebrants. Doulas. Lawyers. Photographers. Beauty therapists. Breathwork practitioners. Virtual assistants. Everyday magical women.

And they all value similar things…

Growth. Intention. Connection to self. Dreaming, visioning. Taking action. Family. Connection to others. Time in mother nature. Financial empowerment. Practical minded. Creativity. Health and wellbeing. Living cyclically, understanding their season and their own rhythm. Intuition.

I get a feeling, that this is you too.

While the heart of coaching is meeting you where you're at on each call and in each moment, it's important we have strong foundations and structure beneath us, so we can ensure we remain grounded and clear on your goals and intentions for our time together.

  • Clarity

    We get clear on how you’re feeling right now in the present and where any feelings of overwhelm, frustration or hesitation are coming from so we can remove or change these aspects of your life and then recreate beliefs and stories that are in alignment with what it is you do desire to experience in this season.

  • Nourished Roots

    Throughout our time together I will have you checking in consistently with the foundations of your life, ensuring your everyday routines and habits are supporting you to feel nourished, grounded and empowered, no matter what season you’re moving through.

  • Grounding into a vision

    No matter what season of life you’re in, being connected to your dreams, goals and desires is always an empowering anchor point. Having a vision that is connected to your values and your heart, allows you to zoom out and realise what your everyday choices are adding up to. In our first session and with a little bit of prep work, I’ll support you to get clear on and create your own vision for your life so that you feel grounded, aligned and excited to bring it to life.

  • Connection to Self

    An unwavering connection to the Self will be the number one tool throughout any season you may journey through in life. Knowing how to tune into your intuition, listen to what your body needs and be able to uphold boundaries with others for your own internal harmony is what we will practice throughout our time together. You will be recommended to implement journaling and guided meditation into your routines, if you’re brand new to this I will support you with resources, recommendations and accountability.

  • Practical Plan

    After each session, you will receive written notes from our coaching session with action steps to take between each session, to ensure you are embodying, integrating and creating momentum towards what we focussed on in the session as well as your overall vision and priorities.

  • Fun & Celebrations

    Being a human is hard enough, without taking ourselves too seriously when we’re investing in personal development and moving through challenging seasons of life. You can expect plenty of lols, fun, celebrations and gifs along the way!

  • Safe, Confidential & Non Judgemental

    It takes courage to share your big feelings, ideas and thoughts with others. To open up and express ourselves, we need to feel safe and secure. When we do feel safe, it’s easier to connect with our truth and be honest with ourselves. Having someone intentionally hold space for us during difficult moments in life allows us to process the situation and start moving forward. This is what I’m known for, creating safe and nurturing space to be yourself.

“After 8 years in the coaching industry, I’ve come to realise that women don’t want or need the latest trendy formula, the frilly and fancy workbooks or a treasure trove of knowledge - they simply desire a safe space to feel seen, to be supported with intention and kindness through their current season of life, to be guided to connect deeper to themselves and be celebrated as they courageously bring their goals and visions to life”.

- Bridget

What is included in our 3 months together?

To begin our time together

◦ Grounding + Anchoring questionnaire to prepare for our first call

during our time together

◦ 1x 75-minute Clarity and Grounded Visioning coaching call (Our first call)

◦ 5 x 60-minute Coaching Calls via Zoom (Fortnightly calls)

◦ Text + Voice Message Support via Slack (Tues & Thurs)

◦ 1 x 60 Minute Distance Energy Healing and Reiki Session with Intuitive Guidance ◦

◦ Supporting resources, questionnaires, recommendations and personalised meditations

to end our time together

◦ Reflection + celebration questionnaire to intentionally wrap up our time together

what’s it like inside our calls?

I take a multi-dimensional approach to my work, which consists of coaching techniques, skills and conversations, questions and prompts to come back to your own heart, intuition and truth, active listening, gentle and nurturing space holding, meditations, bouncing ideas, practical action taking, follow up action plans, along with mentoring from my 9 years of experience running my own successful 6 figure coaching business and 34 years of experience being a human. And of course plenty of lols.

In addition to our coaching sessions, a 60-minute Distance Energy Healing and Reiki Session is included that you can use throughout our 3-months together. This is an intentional addition to your journey, where we focus on energetic alignment, nourishment for your nervous system and a full system recalibration, along with intuitive guidance for you at that moment in time.

ongoing text and voice message support

Our ongoing text and voice message support between coaching calls, allows you to drop in with what's on your heart in the moment, shift your energy quickly and receive support to get clear, ground deeper and continue with your flow and momentum. This is one of my favourite elements of one-to-one coaching and I know will be yours too.

The Investment

3-month journey

$1270 NZD

A 3-month journey that includes:

◦ 6 x Fortnightly Coaching Calls

◦ 1x Distance Energy Healing + Intuitive Guidance Session

◦ Text / voice messaging support between sessions

◦ And more

Full inclusions listed above

3-month journey
pay in full

$3,800 NZD

A 3-month journey that includes:

◦ 6 x Fortnightly Coaching Calls

◦ 1x Distance Energy Healing + Intuitive Guidance Session

◦ Text / voice messaging support between sessions

◦ And more

Full inclusions listed above

  • "Your voice notes gave me time to pause, reflect and go again with more perspective and confidence."

    I was called to work with Bridget at a time in my life that I did not feel anchored at all. Life was busy with motherhood, business and an renovation. It all just felt so discombobulating. This gave me the most amazing amount of breathing space. I loved the soft yet strong, direct yet compassionate, intuitive yet practical coaching from Bridget. Your voice notes gave me time to pause, reflect and go again with more perspective and confidence. A wonderful experience for a time of my life when I really needed it.

    — O.D

  • "Going through this journey with Bids while being pregnant has been life changing, grounding and extremely therapeutic. "

    Working with Bids was extremely powerful. Throughout our time together, my confidence and inner strength reappeared into my life. I discovered my inner guidance, I knew she was in there somewhere but Bids helped me find her and bring her home. Pregnancy can be so daunting, Bids helped me find my path, myself and my connection with my baby.

    — L.B

  • " I have removed a lot of the structure, reduced my to do list and instead am honouring my energy and doing things in a way that feels good to me."

    Bridget has a lovely calming energy where you feel safe, seen and supported straight away. After working with Bids I am more trusting in myself, my path and doin- things my way, especially when it comes to my business. I’ve let go of the pressure to try to keep up with what everyone else is doing and surrendering into my unique way of doing things. I’m allowing myself more rest and down time which is leaving me feeling more calm confident.

    — E.F

Apply to work with me

Here are your next steps

Fill out a short application form

Because I have very limited coaching spaces, I do ask you to please fill out an application form. This allows me a snapshot into your world, the current season of life you’re navigating and the support you desire from our time together.

From this, I’m able to make a grounded judgement if I am able to offer you the level of support you deserve at this time or I may suggest another practitioner that could be a better fit.

follow up
email or message

Within 48 hours of receiving your application, I will send you an email, or voice message on Instagram (sometimes both) to ask any further questions, share with you if I feel like we’re an aligned fit or not, give you the space to ask questions that may have come up since applying and then I will share the next steps.

Welcome to PRIVATE COACHING: Payment, Contract, Scheduling Calls

Once we’re both feeling grounded, excited and confident to move forward, you will be required to make your first monthly payment or pay in full to secure your space. An invoice will be sent to you along with a coaching contract. Once the contract has been signed and payment has been received you will receive your Private Coaching welcome pack with links to join our text and voice messaging chat and a link to schedule our calls.

Scheduling Calls

I am available for coaching calls throughout the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with limited evening time slots available.

Send me an email via my contact form here, if you would like to discuss call times before applying.


  • Yes, all coaching calls are held online via video call on Zoom. These calls are not recorded, you are encouraged to take your own notes throughout the call.

  • After each session, I will send you a follow-up email with a summary of our call and any practical steps for you to take or things to focus on between that moment in time and our next session. We also stay connected via our online text and voice messaging app to continue the coaching, momentum and lols between calls.

  • Yes, I completed a Diploma in Professional Coaching through the Southern Institute of Technology which is a tertiary education establishment, in 2015. Within this diploma, I studied the foundations of coaching including coaching fundamentals, coaching ethics, core coaching competencies, and essential and advanced coaching tools as well as completed case studies in life coaching, business coaching, executive coaching and career coaching.

    I have supported hundreds of women through one-to-one coaching and my online group coaching programs for the past 8 years with incredible results and feedback. 

    I prioritise my own personal and professional development every year to continue expanding my skillset and knowledge.

  • " I feel way more at ease and at peace which has such an uplifting affect in my everyday. I feel excited again for my future!"

    Working with Bids is incredibly nourishing, uplifting and wholesome. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is actually listening to my intuition when I’m making big and small life decisions. This has leaved me feeling so at ease and just knowing it’s the right decision. I’m no longer feeling so scattered or second guessing myself- which used to feel so draining and cause me so much stress and anxiety! I trust myself, have strong boundaries and am confident to have vulnerable conversations.

    — J.W

  • " Bridget creates a safe and nurturing space that allows you to connect within, turn down the chatter and chaos and really connect with yourself. "

    The most powerful realisation I’ve made is that it only takes an instant to pull myself out of my own thoughts and head and completely change my outlook. I am confident that I have the power to change things if I don't like what I see in my life. Journaling and meditation have helped me feel much more grounded each day and after doing them for a while, if there is a day that I miss, I really notice it. My understanding of journaling has completely changed. I love how simple question can bring up so much if you allow it to flow. Thank you for everything Bids.

    — S.L

  • "Since working with Bids I've slowed right down, landed with my feet firmly back on Earth and I've reconnected to my inner compass. "

    This has been the medicine that I needed to get me out of my autopilot funk. My days were passing me by in a blur and I felt exhausted on all levels. Since working with Bids I've slowed right down, landed with my feet firmly back on Earth and I've reconnected to my inner compass. I feel the freshest I have all year with an excitement for what is to come. The practical tools will keep me on track moving forward and I loved the time spent tuning inwards and releasing things I didn't realise I had been holding on to. As always when working with Bids, a life changing experience

    — J.B

  • "I feel so much more confident in who I am as a person, what I want my life to look like and how I want to be for the people around me."

    Bridget feels like a supportive best friend. She was there to listen and helped me to see things differently than how I could see them myself. She held space with nothing but love and support. Bids never told me what to do or gave me the answers , only gave me nudges towards knowing the answers myself. Bridget's own power in who she is and how she shows up in this world inspires you to find that in yourself. I will be forever learning and stumbling but now I feel like I have so many more tools to support myself.

    — J.S

  • "The best sessions of gently holding space, reminding me of what I already know, and reaffirming my path"

    This coaching journey was a wild ride for me - sometimes feeling like I wasn't making any headway and sometimes like I couldn't handle all of it at once! There were perfect tidbits of practical information that I deeply needed, but also the best sessions of just holding space, reminding me of what I already know, and reaffirming my path. Sometimes it just feels good and you need someone you love and respect to reassure you. Thank you immensley for being in my life.

    — A.C

  • "I have learnt how to embody my vision into everyday life which is so empowering."

    Bridget has such an amazing gift of holding space for you to help guide you back to your true self and teach you how to stay centered and grounded. She has helped me grow the tools I need to be more intentional with my actions and stay in alignment with myself. I feel more at peace and happier everyday, I don't let outside issues effect myself as much as they used to. I am finding that I am more kind to myself and self-forgiving which has allowed me to do same with others. Thank you Bids, I cannot express the love and joy I have felt from working with you over the last year.
    — A.M

  • "I still have "pinch me" moments some days, this is what I dreamed of for so long and it makes me so excited for all that is to come."

    I have been working with Bridget for 3 years now, she is an incredibly beautiful, heart-led coach and mentor guiding so many home to themselves. My inner world feels the most stable, secure and nourished than it ever has before. It feels balanced, all areas of my life flowing freely. My outer world has changed so much too, the feeling of being grounded, stable and nourished in my life has allowed me to take up space in my business world, to show the world more of me. I am forever grateful to you Bids!

    — J.P

  • "I went on to create so much spaciousness and lightness in my life after feeling overwhelmed."

    Working with Bids is like the biggest cup of sunshine. I was struggling with structure, feeling organised and feeling grounded in my day to day. From our session I gained clarity and so much wisdom. I learnt to move forward in a really grounded way that felt safe and nourishing in my home and work life. I'm still feeling the beautiful ripples today 4 months on. Thank you Bids.

    — D.M


    I went through a lot during those three months, but every session I came away feeling positive and energised, with a clear plan. I loved the personalised meditations at the start of each session. She listens attentively and always has practical plans to help out with any issues or things that feel stuck. She is incredible, everyone needs a Bridget in their life.

    — E.O