Untouched is a 4 week group coaching program, where I help you and other passionate online business owners, reconnect with the heart of your business and align your soul work with your life, the season you’re in and and the bigger, wider and deeper vision you have for your life, for your family and for all of the things important to you and your heart.

Together, we build strong nourished roots and intentional foundations with clarity—so you can confidently grow a grounded business that excites you, feels deeply nourishing for your life, your body and your bank account, and attracts the dreamiest of dreamy clients you truly desire to support and who keep coming back for more.

In our time together, I’ll guide you in creating a business vision from your heart and unique essence, setting both short and long-term goals, and finding a rhythm that works with your lifestyle and capacity to build and nurture your community.

With my 9 years of experience as an online business owner with a loyal, engaged and dreamy community, I’ll support you in crafting a bespoke launching plan to share and sell your services, offers or products and you’ll design a personalized 30-day roadmap tailored just for you, ensuring you feel empowered and supported throughout your Untouched journey and beyond.

Imagine stepping into a serene lagoon, where the water is so clear it feels as though you're gazing into the soul of the earth itself. The lagoon, nestled in a lush, untouched paradise, reflects the purest shades of aquamarine, inviting you to wade in and feel the gentle embrace of nature’s energy. As you submerge, the cool waters refresh your body, while the tranquil surroundings quiet your mind, allowing you to reconnect with your deepest intuition. The air is thick with the scent of wildflowers and the soft rustle of leaves, reminding you that this place, like the untouched parts of your own spirit, is a sanctuary of clarity, excitement, and boundless potential.

In this space, you're not just connected to nature; you’re realigned with your inner self, invigorated and ready to embrace the fullness of who you are and the soul work you were born to share with the world. Here, your business vision becomes as clear as the lagoon’s waters—grounded, intentional and aligned with your deepest desires. You create from your heart, your brain, and your body, crafting a business that is not just successful, but a true reflection of your unique essence. This is the essence of "Untouched"—a journey back to the pure, unspoiled core of your being, where your true power, creativity, and purpose reside, ready to flow effortlessly into every aspect of your business and soul work.

4 Weeks together, come join us…

Hey Beautiful, if you are here you are probably looking for a different way to do business…

Hey Beautiful, if you’re here you are probably looking for a different way to do business - one that leaves you feeling completely obsessed with your work, your clients and your community when you’re in the creative flow of your business but also when you’re out living your life and being present with the other things most important to you. You’re wanting a grounded business that feels stable, sustainable and one that is created from your heart. 

You’re craving to do business your way, to reconnect back to your unique essence and to find a rhythm of connecting with your community, working with your clients and building your business that truly honours the season of life you’re in, the capacity you have and the bigger, wider and deeper vision you have for your life, for your family and for all of the things important to you and your heart. 

You’ve felt pulled and stretched in different directions, trying to follow the strategies, the processes and the steps from different business coaches you look up to online or courses that you’ve taken, which I get the feeling has left you feeling confused, overwhelmed and mistrusting in what feels most natural to you.

I’m also going to guess that maybe this has left you without the results you’ve been guaranteed, questioning yourself, comparing yourself to others and at a standstill. 

You’ve been contemplating… I wonder, I wonder, I wonder if there’s another way, a more natural, grounded and untouched way to do business.

I believe that the sustainable way of creating and building a grounded business is through connection, intuition and sharing from your heart, with genuine intention and care. And that it’s actually really simple, along with commitment and devotion, to build a community of dreamy humans who share similar values to you, who are on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what you have to say, to see what you have to offer and to work with you, not just once but time and time again. 

I know exactly how it feels to spend way too much time looking outside of yourself, thinking someone else has the answers—especially when it comes to business. Over the last couple of years, I’ve felt more wobbly than ever trying to navigate running my business. As a first-time mama with just two days a week to be present in the world of my business, I found myself seeking quick fixes and the guidance of others to help me anchor back into my soul work. 

The more courses I took, the more coaches I worked with, the more confused I became. None of them had the exact same circumstances, capacity, time and energy as me—and I didn’t expect them to. But I found out the hard way, that no one-size-fits-all approach is going to work. We need to be building businesses that truly nourish us, that are built from our hearts, our brains, our intuition and our unique essence through the lens of the season of life we’re in, the honest capacity we have and the bigger, wider and deeper vision we have for our lives, our family and for all of the things important to us and our hearts. 

And this is where Untouched has been born from. A desire of my own to come back to doing business in a grounded and untouched way. The original way. A business that works with the limited time I have. A business that feels natural and exciting for me to show up in. A business that works with the season I’m in, the capacity I have and nourishes the deeper, wider vision I have for my life, my world and my family.

In our time together, I’ll guide you in creating a business vision from your heart and unique essence, setting both short and long-term goals, and finding a rhythm that works with your lifestyle and capacity to build and nurture your community.

With my 9 years of experience as an online business owner with a loyal, engaged and dreamy community, I’ll support you in crafting a bespoke launching plan to share and sell your services, offers or products and you’ll design a personalized 30-day roadmap tailored just for you, ensuring you feel empowered and supported throughout your Untouched journey and beyond.

This is Untouched business.

Maybe you’ve been feeling…

  • Confused about sharing and showing up online, where to prioritise your time and energy, because what used to work isn't working anymore (or maybe never has)

  • Ready for refinement in the next level of your business, that is grounded in your heart, your ideas and your natural rhythm

  • Like you’ve lost your spark in business and showing up online 

  • Frustrated, you feel like you’re doing ‘all the right things’ yet not seeing the number of clients, the type of clients and the nourishment in your bank account that you truly desire and know you deserve

  • That you’ve been following too many business coaches and mentors and can no longer discern what is true for you and therefore what works for you

  • Your connection to creativity is feeling mediocre and you’re desiring to feel aliveness and excitement in your work

  • You’ve forgotten why you really started sharing your soul work, the mission, the intention

  • Like you’re always having to start fresh, start again, change what you’re doing to try and keep up with social media, the latest strategy, you’re ready for something timeless, long lasting and connected to your heart

Untouched: Four weeks of intentional, heart centered and grounded business teachings, guided processes and live group coaching.


    In the first module of Untouched, we will...

    • Craft a business vision that truly connects to your heart, your why, and the movement you and your soul work are here to lead.

    • Get clear on how your business can beautifully align with your life and family vision.

    • I’ll support you in setting both grounding (short-term) and growth (long-term) goals, helping you feel anchored in the essence of your business while creating momentum.

    This module is all about crafting unique nourishing foundations of your business that will empower you to stay anchored into your soul work, embrace your unique essence, and build a business through the lens of the season of life you’re in, the capacity you have and the bigger, wider and deeper vision you have for your life, for your family and for all of the things important to you and your heart. 


    In the second module of Untouched, we will...

    • Explore how to a vibrant community rooted in connection, where your unique 'why' flows through every piece of content you share.

    • Get clear on the types of content that truly excite you—whether it’s podcasts, visual storytelling, long-form writing, or video—and create a bespoke content plan that feels natural and aligned with your essence.

    • Lay the foundations so that your community resonates with your work not just when they see your posts but in their daily lives, carrying the depth and heart of your mission with them.

    This module is about planting seeds for a lasting connection, where your audience feels seen, supported, and inspired, regardless of how often you show up. You’ll gain the tools and practices to nurture your community in a way that honours your life’s natural rhythms, empowering you to trust your intuition and know that it’s the quality and intention behind your presence that truly matters.


    In the third module of Untouched, we will...

    • Discover how to share and launch your offers authentically, aligning them with your life and natural rhythms.

    • Move through a process to create your own nurturing and intuitive launching strategy that resonates with your heart and honours your capacity, rhythm and unique way of sharing.

    • Look at how to incorporate practices to support your mental and emotional wellbeing, helping you regulate your nervous system and trust the unfolding process of a launch.

    This module is about discovering that launching isn’t a race and isn't something that needs to be complicated or avoided; it’s a journey where you can embrace the ebb and flow of your unique rhythm. Drawing from my nine years of experience in launching and selling out programs, retreats, and one-on-one coaching, you’ll leave this module feeling empowered to launch from a place of alignment and excitement, infusing gratitude and richness into every step, while cultivating lasting connections with clients who truly resonate with the soul work you're here to share.


    In the fourth module of Untouched, we will...

    • Reignite the magic of your journey, celebrating the privilege of doing this meaningful work - I mean what a gift it is to have access to the online world to share, to connect, to build a community and to be paid for our work.

    • Spend time grounding into what the wins in your business, your strengths and reflecting on all of the experience behind you.

    • Create a personalized 30-day roadmap that pulls together the insights from our previous modules—starting with the foundational business vision you crafted in Module 1, weaving in the community connections and content strategies from Module 2, and embracing the nurturing approach to launching from Module 3. This practical roadmap will be your guiding light, helping you show up with intention and clarity as you take actionable steps that resonate with your heart and life rhythms.

    This module is about weaving everything together and creating a practical plan so that you’ll feel anchored in your journey, empowered to move forward with renewed clarity, passion and purpose, all while ensuring that every action step aligns with your unique vision and goals.

I’m passionate about slow, sustainable, spacious and grounded growth

Untouched is not a 4 week bootcamp style program where we hustle through the content and force our way to complete tasks. I want to reassure you that you don’t have to finish every single thing we start during our time together within the 4 weeks. It’s so important for you to give your soul work, your business, and your creations the time they need to breathe and grow. Rushing through this process can take away from the depth and connection that makes your work truly meaningful.

I believe in allowing yourself the space for ideas to land and develop, without the pressure of strict timelines or the need for everything to be complete and fully formed by a certain date.

As I guide you through the four modules I've laid out, with clear steps and heartfelt support, you’ll also honour your unique timeline and pace. You might feel inspired to take action right after the first module, while others may find that clarity and momentum build gradually as we move forward, or vice versa. Embracing this ebb and flow is part of your journey, and together we’ll cultivate a nurturing environment that respects where you are right now while keeping your eyes on the horizon.

But you will leave Untouched feeling:

  • Anchored into your short term and long term goals that keep you steady, in your own lane and feeling excited about the momentum you’re making in your business

  • With a refined and expansive vision for your business that is created from your heart and centered in how you truly want your business to look and feel (not what you’ve being told it should look and feel like)

  • Connected to the soul of your business, through regular practices that feel good for you and from the space you’ve created to be in partnership with your business

  • Seeing the dreamiest of dreamy clients walking through your doors because you’ve reconnected back to the heart of your mission and therefore who you truly want to be serving (and they’ll keep coming back time and time again)

  • Trusting in yourself and your soul work again and not only knowing but truly believing that the world really needs what you have to share

  • That your self belief and confidence has increased x a thousand because everything you do is through the lens of your life, you’re not trying on other people’s strategies or ways of doing things. 

  • Grounded, nourished and supported to move through your own bespoke 30 day roadmap that honours your own personal rhythm and values, but also ensures you’re taking action towards your short term and long terms goals.

  • And more!

Your inclusions

  • 4x 90 minute Live group calls overflowing with intentional, heart centered and grounded business teachings, guided processes and live group coaching so that you can learn new business and marketing skills and be guided to apply them to your own unique circumstances

  • Weekly Business Coaching Q+A via submission and answers recorded via audio uploaded into our online platform, so that you receive personalised support in your business for clarity, integration and momentum

  • Live group coaching for the final 30 minutes of each live call so that you can feel held by the collective energy of other likeminded business women, learn from other peoples experiences and feel less alone on the solo business owner journey, which can feel so lonely sometimes!

  • 3x Bonus modules:
    1. Creating the world of your business through the context of your life
    2. Your daily rhythm
    3. A guided meditation to ground into the heart and soul of your business and receive clarity for next steps

  • Recordings of the live call replays to watch in your own time and space if you're unable to make the calls live or when you want to come back and revisi the content

  • 10 months access to the online platform so that you can return to the teachings, guided processes and personalised guidance when needed

The Investment


$220 NZD

Untouched: 4 Week Business Program

◦ 4 x Weekly 90 minute calls (First 60 minutes workshop session, then 30 minutes of live group coaching)

◦ 4x Weekly coaching question and answer via submission and answers recorded via audio

◦ 3x Additional bonus modules ready and waiting in the online portal

◦ And more

pay in full

$650 NZD

Untouched: 4 Week Business Program

◦ 4 x Weekly 90 minute calls (First 60 minutes workshop session, then 30 minutes of live group coaching)

◦ 4x Weekly coaching question and answer via submission and answers recorded via audio

◦ 3x Additional bonus modules ready and waiting in the online portal

◦ And more

First live call is Thursday 10th October at 9am NZDT - 10.30 am NZDT

You’re in, so when do we begin?

The Untouched online portal officially opens Thursday the 3rd of October where your bonus modules will be waiting for you to dive straight into, as well as space to connect with the Untouched community and get clear on your intentions.


Untouched: Call Days Thurs 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st of October and are all being held at 9am NZDT.

Or maybe you're craving some additional 1:1 coaching, support and guidance throughout the Untouched journey.

  • The 1:1 Upgrade. This is for you if you're looking for more personalised, deep and hands on support, with my eyes and heart on your business.

    Your inclusions:

    • 1 x 75 min 1:1 coaching call with me so that we can personalise your Untouched experience even deeper and zone in on an area of your business that needs extra nourishment, support and clarity (clarity around offers, mindset support around upcoming launches etc)

    • 1:1 Slack support on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the 4 weeks so that you feel supported through the ebbs and flow of your business and can move energy quickly to keep the flow and rhythm moving

    • Instagram + Website + Messaging Creative Audit with video and audio feedback provided so that you can be reassured that what it is you are trying to convey is being received and communicated to your dreamiest of dreamy clients

    For those craving more personalised support, the 1:1 Upgrade offers a deeper, more tailored experience with my eyes directly on your business and on your heart. With a 1:1 coaching call, you’ll get dedicated time to dive into your unique business needs, alongside ongoing Slack support twice a week to answer any questions and keep you moving forward throughout the four weeks. I’ll also provide a detailed and creative Instagram, website, and messaging audit, complete with video and audio feedback, to ensure your brand truly aligns with your vision and connects you with your dreamiest of dreamy clients. This extra layer of support is designed to help you gain clarity, refine your message, and confidently take action toward your grounding (short term) and growth (long term) goals.

    The Investment: 3x Monthly Payments of $500 NZD or $1500 NZD Pay in full

Hi Beautiful, I’m Bridget but you can call me Bids…

I’m a mother, a nurturer, an OG life coach, business mentor and intuitive. I will go deep always. I am here for big feelings and big ideas. I’m obsessed with supporting open hearted women to build such solid foundations in life and business, so we can vision, dream and fly from that place.

Born and raised on a Southland sheep and beef farm at the bottom of New Zealand, wide open spaces and a strong connection to Mama Earth were woven into my DNA from a young age. I believe that now more than ever we must commit to being fully present in our lives, enjoying everyday moments with our loved ones while simultaneously not giving up on our big dreams, creative visions and intentional goals.

As a qualified life coach and business mentor, I have had the privilege of working alongside hundreds of women since 2015 through 1:1 coaching and mentoring, group programs, retreats, cacao ceremonies, energy healing, and so much more.

I’ve created Untouched because I know how many magnificent online business owners have been feeling the wobbles, overwhelmed and frustrated within their business. They’re feeling confused when it comes to sharing their soul work with the world, wondering what they’re missing and why the latest strategy isn’t giving them the results they desire (and deserve). It’s time we drop out of our heads when it comes to sharing our soul work with the world and create some nourishing foundations so we can show up with our heart as the compass and stay anchored in what’s right and true for us. When we do this, we can reach the clients and customers who truly need our magic and we create communities that are based on depth, heart and long-lasting connection.

Now more than ever, the world needs your magic and you’re worthy of having a business that nourishes your life, your heart and your bank account.

Let’s create a grounded and untouched business together.

Love Bids x  


  • Call Days are Thurs 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st of October and all calls will begin at 9am NZDT.

    The live calls will be held on Zoom.

  • Yes all live calls will be recorded and uploaded into the online platform within 24 hours.
    I believe it's personal preference - I really enjoy watching replays of calls, as I can ensure it fits with my weekly rhythm, in my own time and space where I can truly show up with intention and focus, if I can't be there for the live call.
    You will receive the same experience as those on the live call - however you won't be there for the 30 minutes of live coaching at the end of each call but that is why I have included a weekly Q+A submission so that if you're unable to attend live, you can still submit a coaching question to be answered.

  • When you log into the online platform there will be a form to fill in at the start of each week where you can submit your questions and receive personalised coaching for your business. These submitted questions I will answer via audio which I will upload into our online platform for you to receive and listen to that week. I recommend listening all Q+A because there's so much you can take from others experiences - however I will note where your specific question is answered in the audio recording, if you're short on time.

  • 10 months

  • "Since working with Bids I've slowed right down, landed with my feet firmly back on Earth and I've reconnected to my inner compass. "

    This has been the medicine that I needed to get me out of my autopilot funk. My days were passing me by in a blur and I felt exhausted on all levels. Since working with Bids I've slowed right down, landed with my feet firmly back on Earth and I've reconnected to my inner compass. I feel the freshest I have all year with an excitement for what is to come. The practical tools will keep me on track moving forward and I loved the time spent tuning inwards and releasing things I didn't realise I had been holding on to. As always when working with Bids, a life changing experience

    — J.B

  • "Your voice notes gave me time to pause, reflect and go again with more perspective and confidence."

    I was called to work with Bridget at a time in my life that I did not feel anchored at all. Life was busy with motherhood, business and an renovation. It all just felt so discombobulating. This gave me the most amazing amount of breathing space. I loved the soft yet strong, direct yet compassionate, intuitive yet practical coaching from Bridget. Your voice notes gave me time to pause, reflect and go again with more perspective and confidence. A wonderful experience for a time of my life when I really needed it.

    — O.D

  • "I feel so much more confident in who I am as a person, what I want my life to look like and how I want to be for the people around me."

    Bridget feels like a supportive best friend. She was there to listen and helped me to see things differently than how I could see them myself. She held space with nothing but love and support. Bids never told me what to do or gave me the answers , only gave me nudges towards knowing the answers myself. Bridget's own power in who she is and how she shows up in this world inspires you to find that in yourself. I will be forever learning and stumbling but now I feel like I have so many more tools to support myself.

    — J.S

  • "The best sessions of gently holding space, reminding me of what I already know, and reaffirming my path"

    This coaching journey was a wild ride for me - sometimes feeling like I wasn't making any headway and sometimes like I couldn't handle all of it at once! There were perfect tidbits of practical information that I deeply needed, but also the best sessions of just holding space, reminding me of what I already know, and reaffirming my path. Sometimes it just feels good and you need someone you love and respect to reassure you. Thank you immensley for being in my life.

    — A.C

  • "Going through this journey with Bids while being pregnant has been life changing, grounding and extremely therapeutic. "

    Working with Bids was extremely powerful. Throughout our time together, my confidence and inner strength reappeared into my life. I discovered my inner guidance, I knew she was in there somewhere but Bids helped me find her and bring her home. Pregnancy can be so daunting, Bids helped me find my path, myself and my connection with my baby.

    — L.B

  • "I went on to create so much spaciousness and lightness in my life after feeling overwhelmed."

    Working with Bids is like the biggest cup of sunshine. I was struggling with structure, feeling organised and feeling grounded in my day to day. From our session I gained clarity and so much wisdom. I learnt to move forward in a really grounded way that felt safe and nourishing in my home and work life. I'm still feeling the beautiful ripples today 4 months on. Thank you Bids.

    — D.M

  • " I feel way more at ease and at peace which has such an uplifting affect in my everyday. I feel excited again for my future!"

    Working with Bids is incredibly nourishing, uplifting and wholesome. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is actually listening to my intuition when I’m making big and small life decisions. This has leaved me feeling so at ease and just knowing it’s the right decision. I’m no longer feeling so scattered or second guessing myself- which used to feel so draining and cause me so much stress and anxiety! I trust myself, have strong boundaries and am confident to have vulnerable conversations.

    — J.W

  • " Bridget creates a safe and nurturing space that allows you to connect within, turn down the chatter and chaos and really connect with yourself. "

    The most powerful realisation I’ve made is that it only takes an instant to pull myself out of my own thoughts and head and completely change my outlook. I am confident that I have the power to change things if I don't like what I see in my life. Journaling and meditation have helped me feel much more grounded each day and after doing them for a while, if there is a day that I miss, I really notice it. My understanding of journaling has completely changed. I love how simple question can bring up so much if you allow it to flow. Thank you for everything Bids.

    — S.L

  • " I have removed a lot of the structure, reduced my to do list and instead am honouring my energy and doing things in a way that feels good to me."

    Bridget has a lovely calming energy where you feel safe, seen and supported straight away. After working with Bids I am more trusting in myself, my path and doin- things my way, especially when it comes to my business. I’ve let go of the pressure to try to keep up with what everyone else is doing and surrendering into my unique way of doing things. I’m allowing myself more rest and down time which is leaving me feeling more calm confident.

    — E.F

Interested in Untouched and have more questions?

I believe it’s so important to be fully informed and take time to consider if this investment is for you. If you have any questions or curiosities regarding Untouched, the way I hold space or the payment plans - please fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.